Our top tips to recruit participants over the holidaysIf you are planning to recruit people for user research in the coming weeks, here are some tips from the PFR team.1d ago1d ago
Accessibility guide for surveysAn accessibility guide to help you build inclusive surveys developed by the unmoderated recruitment team at People for Research.Nov 19Nov 19
User research resources: UK benefits report 2024Throughout 2024, we recruited for numerous UK-based user research projects focused on benefits and related demographic information and we…Nov 8Nov 8
GDPR guide for user researchThe PFR team has created a comprehensive data protection guide full of great advice to ensure your user research studies are fully…Oct 31Oct 31
Global user recruitment for Philips: product testing with new mumsBack in 2023, PFR teamed up with Philips Mother and Child Care to work on a complex global recruitment project, finding new mothers across…Jul 23Jul 23
May 2024: UXperts round-upIt’s time we seriously talk about users and experiences + De-stress your UX + Women in UX remote conference + moreMay 301May 301
The ultimate unmoderated research resource listOver the years, our team has published quite a bit of content around unmoderated research and quantitative methods, so we gathered our top…May 23May 23
April 2024: UXperts round-upCan’t speak to your users? Here’s what to try + A list of awesome UX meetups in the UK + No, AI research is not “better than nothing” +…Apr 30Apr 30
A list of awesome UX meetups in the UKHave you heard about these UX design and user research groups? If you have a group to add to this list, leave us a comment so we can update…Apr 19Apr 19